Vendor spaces are 15’x15’ to accommodate the sizes of pop-up tents. You must leave space to walk in between vendor tents this year. Vendor spaces will be assigned and one vendor representative per company will be honored, and they will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Each 15’x15’ space will be marked and boundaries must be respected.
The Waverly Picnic Committee will not supply tents, tables, or chairs. There will be electricity available. The fee for one day set up is $50, two and three day set up is $75.
Prohibited items to sell include fireworks of any kind, drugs, tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, firearms, and potato guns. Homemade items are accepted, but must not contain inappropriate images or language. Knives are permitted but the vendor is responsible for the sale and is held legally responsible for checking the legal age of the purchasing client.
The Waverly Picnic, the members of the committee, or the City of Waverly are not to be held responsible for your booth area or your merchandise while on the property. Picnic hours will be Thursday, July 25 - 5 pm to 10 pm, Friday, July 26 - 5 pm to 10 pm, and Saturday, July 27 - 11 am to 10 pm. Vendors are allowed to begin to set up their booth area on Thursday or Friday at noon.
By signing this form, you hereby agree to and accept the terms above.
Please make checks payable to:
Waverly Community Picnic, Inc.
c/o Jeannie Pasley
PO Box 21
Waverly, IL 62692
Questions? Please reach out!
Jeannie Pasley